Thursday, September 10, 2009

Quiz week 4 Chapter 4 Navigating Technology GE 101

Chapter 4 Quiz
30 points plus bonus ????

  1. What to look for in Evaluating a Web Site. A, A, O,T 4 points

  2. Three names for a USB drive. 3 points

  3. Three types of portable storage for documents or files produced on a computer. 3 points

  4. What type of file is .ppt?

  5. What does RAM stand for?

  6. Three computer skills needed for college. 3 points

  7. What is difference between a search engine and a meta-search engine?

  8. Name three search engines. 3 points

  9. List three Google "products" 3 points

  10. What is a blog?

  11. What word do you go to on Blackboard to add a dictionary or a weather link?

  12. What is a papermill website?

  13. Is using one of these sites a form of cheating? Yes or No

  14. What online learning system do we use at BCTC?

  15. .jpeg or .jpg is a file for photos or graphics. True or False

  16. Bonus What does .pdf stand for and what does it allow users to do?

  17. 2 points . List two new or improved skills you want to learn while using a computer.

  18. Bonus What is a computer virus?

  19. Bonus What is Mr Gilbertson's hometown?

Quiz worth 30 points plus bonus points